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#5261 Nehemiah Rebuilds Jerusalem .webp

#5259 Matthew 27-34.webp

#5258 Matthew 9-1.webp

#5257 Matthew 8-23.webp

#5256 Matthew 8-5.webp

#5255 Matthew 5-67.webp

#5254 Matthew 3-13.webp

#5253 Luke 23-25.webp

#5239 1 Samuel 14-1.webp

#5238 1 Kings 12.webp

#5224 The Scribes Reading the Chronicle to Ahasuerus.webp

#5178 Christian in the Valley of Humiliation C19 Greatbach after Pickersgill.webp

#5157 Ruth and Naomi (Biblical).webp

#5158 Christ Prophesying over Jerusalem (Biblical).webp

#5164 Jeremiah lamenting over Jerusalem (Biblical).webp

#5165 Daniel in the Den of Lions (Biblical).webp

#5166 Christ giving sight to the blind (Biblical).webp

#5167 Belshazzar's Feast (Biblical).webp

#5169 A city of refuge (Biblical).webp

#5078 Last Supper (Biblical).webp

#5080 Moses Striking the Rock (Biblical).webp

#5095 Triumph of David over Goliath (Biblical).webp

#5073 Hagar and Ishmael (Biblical).webp

#5074 Hill of Samaria.webp

#5065 Christ Taken Down From the Cross (Biblical).webp
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